Guitarist & composer
Kim Myhr
Gifting Senselessly In Endless Lavishness from Sympathetic Magic is out!
Sympathetic Magic release

Sympathetic Magic will be released 19.08.22! Have a listen to the first single and pre-order beautiful gatefold double LP here.
Sympathetic Magic is an ecstatic, delirious, and deeply touching piece of music; a towering new work in Kim Myhr’s increasingly substantial output as an artist and composer.
Sympathetic Magic is the follow-up to Kim Myhr’s 2017 album You | me, which was widely praised and received an honorary mention at the 2018 Nordic Music Prize. While the immersive warmth of You | me is still present, Sympathetic Magic is more expansive than its predecessor. A band of eight musicians playing a wide variety of instruments including electric 12-string guitars, drum machines, vocals, synthesizers, organs and lots of drums and percussion, has created a work of a grander scale.
The shimmering, oceanic waves of You | me has been traded for cosmic currents in Sympathetic Magic. Put simply, Sympathetic Magic is a collection of song-like structures that has expanded into symphonic proportions. “With You | me, I wanted to create an ocean of sound, where the listener is surrounded by a myriad of elements that has equal importance in the music. I wanted to challenge this a bit, to push certain elements forward. The result is a more song-like kind of music than what I’ve done before.” – Kim Myhr
Just before starting working on Sympathetic Magic, Kim bought an old 70s Yamaha organ (the YC45d), after falling in love with the sound of it on different recordings. At first, he thought the organ would be a subtle element on the new record, but it ended up becoming a focal point: “It’s a brilliant in-your-face sound that brought an ecstatic quality to the music. Playing around with this instrument, along with an 80s Roland Juno synth and a new drum machine took the music in new directions.” – Kim Myhr
Thematically, Sympathetic Magic circles around a longing for collectivity and togetherness. While the world was locked down in 2021, thanks to a commission from Oslo Jazz Festival, Kim had the opportunity to delve deeply into this project, working with the members of the band, one at a time:
“The music created a situation of unexpected positivity. It felt like a social project even if I spent most of the time on it alone. And all this positive, joyful energy felt quite magical, arriving like out of thin air in this otherwise grim situation. It all felt like a hallucination, which fed back into the music. Sympathetic Magic is like a dream within a dream.” – Kim Myhr
The title of the record is a term coined by James Frazer in The Golden Bough. He writes: “things which have once been in contact with each other continue to act on each other at a distance after the physical contact has been severed”.
“In a closed down world where all our connections with the outside suddenly are remote or absent, the line between the real and imaginary is blurred. I felt that the term perfectly summed up the thoughts, processes and sentiments that went into the making of this record”, says Myhr.
Sympathetic Magic and other autumn news

Been a while since last update here. Things are slowly opening up and concerts are finally happening again. I spent the first eight months of the year working quite obsessively on a new project called Sympathetic Magic. It premiered at Oslo Jazzfestival a few weeks ago, and is a continuation of the You | me music. Slightly altered line-up for the new project, which has Håvard Volden (guitars), David Stackenäs (guitars), Adrian Myhr (bass, guitars), Anja Lauvdal (organ, synths), Hans Hulbækmo (drums), Ingar Zach (percussion), Michaela Antalová (drums), Martin Myrvold (light and stage decor) and Stig Gunnar Ringen (sound) in addition to myself on various guitars and synths. Was really great to finally present it live. Got some great reviews in Aftenposten and Ballade too. Now I'm working on finishing the record, which will be released as a double LP (and CD/DL) in May on Hubro. Photo: Jorunn Valle Nilsen
Vesper nominated for Norwegian Grammy

Vesper, my record with Australian Art Orchestra, has been nominated for a Norwegian Grammy, Spellemannsprisen, in the contemporary category.
Upcoming events
Past events
Various collaborative work
Norwegian guitarist and composer Kim Myhr has been touring internationally since the early 2000s and has released several records under his own name. His album You | me (2017) was nominated to Nordic Music Prize, and received wide acclaim internationally. As a composer he has made music for Australian Art Orchestra, Canadian string quartet Quatuor Bozzini, Kitchen Orchestra and Trondheim Jazz Orchestra of Norway, and has collaborated with Jenny Hval (on the 2012 collaborative album “In The End His Voice Will Be The Sound Of Paper”, Tony Buck of The Necks (on the album “You | me”), Lasse Marhaug, Christian Wallumrød, poet Caroline Bergvall and many others. He has toured extensively the last fifteen years across Europe, Americas, Asia, and Australia. His last record Vesper with Australian Art Orchestra was nominated for a Norwegian Grammy in 2020 in the contemporary category.
“Kim Myhr is a master of slow-morphing rhythms and sun-dappled textures that seem to glow from the inside”.
- The Guardian
Vesper (2020)
"shimmering like leaves in a breeze when the sun is at its zenith".
★★★★ Sydney Morning Herald
"Kim Myhrs musikk er vakker, poetisk og vrang. (..) Gitaropplevelser helt utenom det vanlige"
5/6 Aftenposten
Sympathetic Magic (2022)
«sumptuous, sprawling (..) a mesmerizing sonic confab somewhere between the desert and outer space»
WIRE Magazine (UK)
«a deeply personal yet expansive musical universe. [..] Overflowing with waves of interleaving guitars, primal beats, shafts of radiant organ and blissed-out synths the mesmeric ebb and flow has the psych rock detector's needle swerving deep into the red».
PROG magazine, Sid Smith (UK)
Hi-Fi Choice Mag (UK)
Il Manifesto (IT)
"Sympathetic Magic ist ein tiefenverfeinertes Ambient/Electronica-Album, das sich von der Masse der Elektronikproduktionen deutlich abhebt. Über das höchst souveräne Zusammenspiel, die Fusion-Instrumentierung, den semi-akustischen Sound und nicht zuletzt über die durchaus mächtige Besetzung mit bis zu acht Mitwirkenden, drei E-Gitarren und zwei Schlagwerkern (wohlgemerkt pro Track), die aber nie in die Vollen gehen, sondern sehr behutsam und elegant mit dem jeweiligen instrumentellen Raum umgehen, der ihnen gegeben ist".
Groove Magazin (DE)
“A wonderfully sprawling piece of art”
Andrew Jervis, Bandcamp Weekly featured album (US)
«De syv stykkene er fri for effektmakeri og etterlater et inntrykk av at de vil oss vel. Som sanger som henvender seg med klokskap og positivitet. [..] Sympathetic Magic treffer både hjerte og hjerne».
Aftenposten 6/6 (årets sjuende beste norske plate 2022)
«det starter veldig, veldig vakkert, «Sympathetic Magic». Som om noen svømmer med rolige tak i et stille vann. [..] Resultatet er et verk som rommer svært mye, både på mikro- og makro-nivå. Det består av sammenføyde miniatyrfigurer, rytmiske folder og forsiktig utpenslede musikalske temaer. Men også av lydlandskap av symfoniske proporsjoner, som til sammen utgjør mer enn 70 minutter musikk - og til sist munner ut i den sterk prog-inspirerte, mesterlige «Heart Streams».
Klassekampen 5.5/6 (Månedens beste - Klassekampen august 2022)
“Sympathetic Magic is an immersive 74-minute suite of maximalistic minimalism”
"'Up To The Sun Shall Go Your Heartache' is an excellent, long-player of free and expressive jazz and post-rock that moves from the ecstatic to contemplative and sublime."
-Tome To The Weather Machine (US)
"Sympathetic Magic de Kim Myhr vise sans aucun doute les hautes sphères. Ça roule, ça flotte, ça brille. Myhr prend sa musique par le soin des soins et part en visitation. Majestueux, ce disque l’est. Indubitablement."
Point Break (Fr)
You | me (2017)
«A sonically adventurous record, beautifully listenable and immersive»
Nordic Music Prize Honorary Mention
«Kim Myhr is a master of slow-morphing rhythms and sun-dappled textures that seem to glow from the inside…It’s an album to bolster the spirits and ground the nerves. traveling music for big-sky vistas»
★★★★ The Guardian (UK)
"a tremendous piece of music»
«delicate and suffused with beauty, yet exudes a power derived from the clarity of its creative vision. Truly, an ocean of sound.»
★★★★ MOJO (UK)
«surely a minor masterpiece»
Bloom (2016)
«a trance state between the acoustic and the electronic, where an alchemical late-hours lyricism is born.»
★★★★ MOJO (UK)
Årets sjuende beste norske plate
Dagbladet (NO)
"extravagants orages qui peuvent se transformer en transports shamaniques, dérives cosmiques et ruminations bruitistes, tout un capharnaüm extra-musical parfois effacé au profit de nappes cristallines semblables à d’évanescents mandalas sans cesse recommencés. […] comme des étonnements d’enfance.» Les Inrockuptibles (FR)
In The End His Voice Will Be The Sound Of Paper (2016)
«A grotesquely beautiful paradox of sound»
SLUG magazine (US)
«arresting piece of work»
The Quietus (UK)
Jazzwise (UK)
«Compelling, riveting listening»
All about Jazz (UK)
All Your Limbs Singing (2014)
«A delirious love letter to the 12-string acoustic guitar»
WIRE Magazine, Clive Bell (UK)
"One of Myhr's finest attributes is his courage to let the music unfold with guileless simplicity, so we focus tightly on the sound. Elsewhere he brings his devilish command of the guitar to bear."
Sydney Morning Herald, John Shand (AU)
«Simple, direct and utterly absorbing»
Fluid Radio (UK)
"An extremely attractive offering: open, considered and refreshingly heedless og trends".
Just Outside (US)
For high-res press photos, interview requests and other press enquiries, please contact Frøydis Bergheim Ruud at Grappa:
Booking and other things: